The SkyStar Wheel at Fisherman's Wharf

Guide to the


About the SkyStar Observation Wheel

Standing 15 stories tall, 最先进的天星观景轮有36个封闭式, well-ventilated gondolas, 拥有横跨城市的无与伦比的景色. 从它的高度,你可以看到标志性的 Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz市中心闪闪发光的摩天大楼,以及美丽的社区 Sausalito and Tiburon in the north bay.

Operational hours are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week.

How to Get to the Wheel

摩天轮位于鲍威尔街和梅森街之间的杰斐逊街. (它的官方地址是泰勒街2860号,供使用GPS或拼车的人使用.)邻近的停车场设有停车场, 附近还有很多停车场和车库.

You can reach the Wheel by taking the historic F Line streetcar to the Jefferson & Powell stop. You could also ride the Powell-Mason cable car 到泰勒街和贝街的终点站,然后走过四个街区. The 8 and 8x Muni buses travel through SoMa and Union Square, past many of our most popular hotels,终点站在科尔尼街和北角街. From there, it's a short walk past PIER 39 to the Wheel. 最后,虽然没有那么频繁,但39路Muni巴士将带游客从 North Beach 到鲍威尔街和比奇街,就在摩天轮附近.

Buy Your Tickets

门票可供购买,可通过在线订购或现场购买预订. 门票为每人18美元,老年人(65岁以上)和儿童(12岁及以下)12美元。. 普通门票可在购买后30天内的任何时间使用. 乘坐轮椅或需要帮助的客人可以完全进入贡多拉.

Buy Your Tickets

Get the VIP Treatment

Looking to elevate your experience? 天星摩天轮提供VIP体验. 跳过队伍,在VIP缆车上享受一段漫长的旅程, 配有真皮座椅和硬木地板. VIP聚会必须在2到5人之间, 这种体验每人收费50美元, regardless of age. 请注意:贵宾缆车不允许轮椅进入.

Buy VIP Tickets


Nearby Attractions

SkyStar观景轮现在自豪地坐落在贝博体彩app最受欢迎的街区之一, which is full of great, family-friendly attractions.

PIER 39 offers two levels of dining, entertainment, shopping, 所有景点都被无与伦比的城市和海湾景色所包围. You can also take a spin on The Flyer, get immersed in a 7D Experience, 并在海湾水族馆近距离接触当地的海洋生物-或者只是参观 sea lions who have made their home at K Dock!

Explore PIER 39

摩天轮现在离许多渡轮登船地点不远. 从41号码头,你可以乘车穿过海湾到 Sausalito这里有精品店和海滨餐厅. 恶魔岛的33号码头离摩天轮不远. 这是唯一一个可以乘船游览的地方 Alcatraz. There are also numerous bay cruises and sightseeing tours you can board in the neighborhood.

在渔人码头也有很多好吃的,包括 legendary San Francisco delicacies like cioppino and Irish coffee. From Italian to dim sum, 从适合两人安静夜晚的餐厅到适合大群人的餐厅, 渔人码头为每个旅行者的口味和预算提供餐饮选择.

Eat at the Wharf

Sea Lions rest on PIER 39's K Dock

Tyler Cohn headshot
Tyler Cohn

Tyler is the Sr. Manager of Global Content & Communications at San Francisco Travel. 自2015年以来,他一直住在贝博体彩app,并在贝博体彩app旅游团队工作了很长时间. 他同样喜欢引人注目的制作数字和户外体育赛事, 这意味着你通常可以在贝博体彩app众多伟大的剧院或甲骨文公园找到他, cheering on the Giants.